So many wonderful friends have come into my life thanks to scrapbooking and cardmaking. I'm not sure if my friend Laura still reads my blog but, I thank her for being my 1st scrap pusher and introducing me to all things scrappy. She's turned to the digi side but, she is hands down the person that started me on this fun journey.
I have a few of my books that I purchased sitting here. I'd like to give one a way to a blog reader as a thank you for sticking with me as well.
Just leave a comment here saying what you are thankful for and I will draw a winner on Wednesday.
I hope you all have a great day!
I'd love a copy of ANYTHING yours :)
LOVE your work!
As for thankful, I'm feeling like there's not much to NOT be thankful about! SOO many blessings I don't even know where to start. There's the typical family and good health (that I shamefully take for granted and shouldn't!) but I am very thankful for good friends this week.
Thanks for sharing with us!
I am so thankful for my family. I am looking forward to spending thanksgiving day with a lot of them.
I am also thankful for faithful bloggers who give of there talents that God has given them so that the rest of us can improve our own cards and scrapbooks and who also share with us great gift ideas to give to those that we love and cherish.
I am sooooo thankful for my Creator and Saviour--without Him...I have nothing. And because of Him--I have a husband and great fam/friends. I love November because I am so thankful (but we get to share it the most around Thanksgiving!). Thanks for the giveaway--your work ROCKS:)
Oh that would be so sweet! But that IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION! I am thank-ful for my family, friends, freedom, and to Heavenly Father who gave me the talents to CREATE & LOVE ANOTHER!
Keep on Scrappin'
lots of things, but mostly at this time of year my family, my health and my job.
Thanks for the fun!
I am thankful for my family and their health...
Thank you for the chance to win.
How fun! I am so thankful for my amazing husband who treats me so wonderfully and my fabulous children who are really so good and just make my life joyful!
Hi Kimber!
I am thankful for lots of things... I feel very fortunate to have 2 healthy kids, a husband who is a good father, a beautiful home, and my health as well. I sometimes forget that these are the things that are important in life.
And I love seeing your posts!
Awww, aren't you a sweetie for sharing!
As for what I'm thankful for, well today it's an easy answer. Today is my birthday and I'm thankful that God has granted me a full life with a wonderful family and awesome friends to share it with.
Would love to have this. I am thankful for so many things...my Savior...my family...my friends...my home...blogging friends that share their talent with all of us...etc....
Cindy R
I am thankful for my family, health and all I have been blessed with. I am thankful for all the inspiration I find in the blogging world and the doors it has opened for me.
Thanks for the chance to win! So generous of you. I am thankful for my fiance and the rest of my family and our health. Looking forward to spending a nice Thanksgiving with all of them. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too!
I am thankful for faith, family, friends and these giveaways. :) Thanks Kimber! I would so LOVE to have this book.
i am thankful for a hubby whow likes to detour to scrapbook shop when we go to get stuff for household projects.
Kimber thank you for the chance to win - I am thankful for my health...and thankful my 3 little monsters who bring the most happiness to my life - for a wonderful husband who loves me and believes in me and is always there for me no matter what...I am thankful that we sold our house and can finally build a home big enough for all of us!
ooooh! I am so thankful for my healthy family. THanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I love that my family comes to my house with scads of food and we eat, laugh, and take pictures all day!
I am SO very thankful for my family and good health. We've been blessed with three healthy, happy children and I am thankful for them every day. My husband was quite ill a few years ago and we had no idea what was wrong with him (and still to this day have no idea what it was!), but I am grateful that he is doing okay now. I love my family so much and am thankful for them each and every day.
How cool is this? I'm thankful that both my children are an absolute joy to be around. Sigh...we just finished the terrible twos and going through the newborn stage and they are both just so enjoyable now. :) Makes me one happy mommy!
oohhhh, I have been wanting to read this!
I am thankful for my sweet little family. My girls are the cutest (not to be biased or anything) :)
I am thankful for my absolutely fabulous Hubbums! He is just great!
What a great gift!
I am thankful for our security; spiritually, financially, physically, nationally. We have a warm home, plenty to eat, health insurance, and a Savior.
Besides being thankful for my family and my salvation i am so thankful for the internet and creative people like you who share so much so we can learn together. What a blessing (:
I am thankful for my opportunity to stay home with my kids, the roof over my head, the electricity I take for granted, and all my friends and family who support my crazy life!~Katie
Hi, I would LOVE to have a copy of your book! :)
This is always a tricky question...I am thankfull for my family, of course. I am thankfull for the coffee I had this morning with a friend.I am thankful for small things which may seem a big deal to some like: having a warm house filled with laughter of my kids ( not alwyas, lol ), I know there are a lot of people out there who can not make ands meet and live on the street so I am just thankful I am safe and happy with my family and healthy!!! And I am also thanksful for my hubby who supports my scrapbooking addiction.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for my family (my own and extended). Thankful that we stick together thru' thick and thin.
I am thankful for my daughter and husband -- my tiny little family -- and thankful that we'll be with my folks and my sisters and their families for the holiday this year.
I am thankful for so many things especially at a time of such uncertainity.
I am thankful that God crossed our paths! Happy Thanksgiving Kimber!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Happy Thanksgiving!! There is so much I am thankful for this year but to be brief, I'm most thankful for my husband, my sweet dog, my family and God for all He has provided.
so many things to be Thankful for :
me and my husband both have jobs
we have 2 healthy children who by the way got all A's on thier report cards
faith, relatives, bloggers, Facebook freinds and friends i get to see all the time.
No need to go on because as of this day i am pretty thankful for alott of things
thanks for the chance to win
have a blessed holiday.
i must of hit the wrong button and it showed up anonymous the one right after "Q" my name is tonya and i wanted to take ownership of what i just wrote.
I am thankful for you to understand my mistake.
I am thankful for all the things God has provided for me and my family. I'm also thankful for all the extra support I've received from my husband in my many recent endeavors.
Have a wonderful Thanskgiving!
Thanks for the giveawway and enjoy your thanksgiving. I'm always thankful for my health. I think that I can face almost anything, when I'm in good health.
Thanks for the chance to win your book. I am very thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ given me salvation full and free! Have a great Thanksgiving!
I too am thankful for all the wonderfully creative people I've met through scrapbooking. My scrapping friends are among the most optimistic, generous and compassionate people I know... this community inspires me and warms my heart. So thanks to you, Kimber, for being part of that community. :)
I am thankful for my family and friends. I'm thankful I have a fulfilling job where I get to be creative. I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter, Madelyn.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
I'm thankful that my brother married the best girl in town. My sister in law is the best. My mom passed away in October and she did all the cooking for the holidays. My sister in law, Anita Fernandez, volunteered to do the cooking for thanksgiving this year. Yes, she is the best and I'm very thankful she is part of our family.
As a Canadian, I celebrated Thanksgiving in October and had the chance to express my thanks for my health and family (especially our new baby boy)! Now that I get to experience Thanksgiving all over again in the blogging world, I guess I want to express that I'm thankful for having found this world. Seeing so much creative work out there and getting to share with others is an experience that has truly captured me. Every day I get excited about getting inspired by others around the world who share my passion for scrapbooking and card making!
Thanks for your generosity in the chance to win your book!!
I'm Thankful for my family and the time we can spend time together.
Kimber, Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. I am thankful for a healthy family and my mom is getting married next week. She and her fiance are both widowed so it is a double blessing for them both to find love again!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Kimber!!!
Hope you and your family have a nice holiday!
I'll be here in Canada working the day away - LOL!! :-)
oooooh- I also would LOVE a copy of this!! I am thankful for my kids, friends, and of course my DH who loves me with all my quirks! and for this hobby that I use as a therapy. ;)
I am thankful for so much - wonderful family, great friends, good health, sight, freedom, life itself!
Is thankful that no snow/ice are forecasted this week, so we should have an easy trip back for Tksgiving this weekend.
I am really, truly, thankful for my family & my health!
Thank YOU for a chance at your fabulous book!! ;)
I am Thankful for my life!! its sooo great :) I would love a copy of your book :)
I'm thankful for good health. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I would love to win your book.... thanks for the chance!
I'm thankful for my family, friends, job, students, dogs, health, and home. Oh, and for the fact that I'm off all week! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great book!
I am thankful to have 2 healthy girls and a wonderful husband, it's all I need.
I'm thankful for my family. And I'm thankful for a chance to win! :)
Hi Kimber
You are so talented and busy, keep up the inspiration. I am thankful for so many things but my family is at the top of my list.
P.S. do you remember me from Papergarden?
So much to be thankful for! My hubby; that he has a stable job (even though he's not home much because of it); that my hubby is amazing at his job - it keeps him and others ALIVE!; my daughter - she's the reason I'm here. My family; my pets; my health; Should I stop now? Or keep going? ;)
great book!
I am thankful to have known you for many years, Kimber! I'm thankful to have your blog to peruse for ideas, and to admire!!!
Most importantly, I'm thankful for family and good friends, and health and happiness!
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I love your work so much, so your book would be an awesome prize! ;D
I'm thankful, first and foremost, to my Lord who saved me and has blessed me beyond what I deserve. He's given me a husband who loves me, a supportive and loving family (including my in-laws), and the means to help those less fortunate that myself.
And I can't leave out a nice long weekend to recharge my depleted batteries!
I am very thnkful for a wonderful family that makes me laugh every day!
I'm thankful for getting up each day, for my friends who lift me up, for those to feel that they can lean on me, and for the opportunity to create artistic ways to show my thanks.
Just found your blog & wow what a giveaway.
I'm thankful for so many things at the moment but I'm really thankful that my bub is growing and is healthy & my pregnancy is progressing without any complications
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