Thursday, January 15, 2009

CardMaker Sketch Book -- Birthday Celebrations Winner!

Ok, I seriously giggled when I saw who won this.

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-01-15 14:53:24 UTC

That's you Ms. Debbie Dutchess! I'm not even going to mail this. I'll stop by and drop it off sometime. Just email me to let me know when would be a good time.

I'm hoping to snag some goodies from CHA to giveaway when I get back. Boy... Sunny California is sounding REALLY good today. As I type this it is -2 degrees outside. So So So wrong!

Have a good warm day!


1 comment:

Debbie D said...

I'm so excited! I never win anything. Thanks Kimber!